Artist Credit: James Francis, a multimedia artist, citizen of the Penobscot Nation and Director of the Penobscot Nation Cultural Historic Preservation Center.

Wabanaki Windows is a monthly podcast hosted by Donna Loring, a Penobscot Nation Elder and Vice President of the Wabanaki Alliance. The show airs on WERU Community Radio and features topics of interest from a Wabanaki perspective.

Here, we have curated a nine-part series on the “1942 Legislative Transcripts on the Indian Problem.” Find other curated episodes on our website here.

ICE Prelude: State of Maine’s attempt to Isolate, Control & Eliminate (ICE) the Wabanaki Tribes
Original air date December 27, 2022

This episode is a replay of the audio portion of the Donna M. Loring Lecture Series for 2022 titled “One Nation Under Fraud A Remonstrance.” It focuses on a few brief excerpts from the 1942 Maine Legislative Transcripts of the Legislative Research Committee of the 90th Legislative Session, Testimony of Norman McDonald, Director of Social Welfare and Frank Cowan the Attorney General, and others discussing ICE of the Maine Tribes.

This show is the foundational show for the series “The 1942 ICE Legislative Transcripts.” Listen to the program here or download the podcast from the WERU website here.

Listen to the Prelude for the ICE Series

ICE #1: Isolation, Control and Elimination
Original air date February 28, 2023.

In the first episode of the ICE series, host Donna Loring and her guest Attorney Joseph Gousse discuss the 1942 Legislative Transcripts that were found during research for a new book. The Transcripts outline the State’s Long-range strategy to deal with the Maine Tribes through Isolation, Control and Elimination (ICE). The Transcripts are comparable to the Nixon Tapes. This episode covers the background of the time 1942 WWII; the formation of the Legislaltive Research Committee (LRC) and its purpose; a pofile of the committee members; and the first 17 pages of the MacDonald Transcript before the LRC. Listen to the program here or download the podcast from the WERU website here.

ICE #2: The MacDonald Transcript
Original air date April 25, 2023.

The second episode of the ICE Series reveals the first of three uncovered Indian transcripts. They are from the 1942 Maine Legislative Research Committee. The committee was searching for a way to save money for the State since we were in a World War. They discuss ways to do this in these committee meetings. Much like the Nixon tapes these transcripts are a smoking gun that reveal in the Legislators own words a long-range plan to eliminate the Wabanaki Tribes. MacDonald was the Director of Health and Welfare, which was was the department the Wabanaki Tribes were placed into for oversight from their previous placement under the Maine Fish and Wildlife Department. Listen to the program here or download the podcast from the WERU website here.

ICE #3: The MacDonald Transcript
Original air date May 23, 2023.

The third episode of the ICE Series continues The MacDonald Transcript. Listen to the program here or download the podcast from the WERU website here.

ICE #4: The Cowan Transcript
Original air date June 27, 2023.

The fourth episode of the ICE Series reveals the second of three uncovered Indian transcripts from the 1942 Maine Legislative Research Committee. Frank Cowan was the Attorney General of the State of Maine. This transcript shows exactly what the Cowan thought of the Wabanaki Tribes and reveals a stunning lack of knowledge or regard for the Wabanaki people and for what was owed to them by the State of Maine. Listen to the program here or download the podcast from the WERU website here.

ICE #5: The Ralph Proctor Transcript, Part I
Original air date July 20, 2023.

The fifth episode of the ICE Series features the third and final transcript revealing the testimony of Ralph Proctor, who was hired by the committee to do research and present a detailed report to the committee about the history of the Tribes and the responsibility of Maine towards the Tribes. Listen to the program here or download the podcast from the WERU website here.

ICE #6: The Ralph Proctor Transcript, Part II
Original air date August 23, 2023.

The sixth episode of the ICE Series continues the testimony of Ralph Proctor. Listen to the program here or download the podcast from the WERU website here.

ICE #7: The Legislative Research Committee Recommendations to the Legislature
Original air date September 26, 2023.

The seventh episode of the ICE Series reveals the conclusions and recommended bills and amendments that the committee made to the Maine State Legislature. The committee was searching for a way to save money for the state during World War II. Their recommendations were accepted by the Legislature and became the long-range strategic plan for State Indian Policy. The Proctor Report used as the basis for future planning and Indian Policy. Procter clearly recommends the elimination of the Tribes and their lands. Listen to the program here or download the podcast from the WERU website here.

ICE #8: Review and Final Comments
Original air date October 24, 2023.

In the final episode of the ICE Series, we review the readings of the 1942 Transcripts and their incredible revelations of the Long Term Strategic Planning of the State to assimilate and eliminate the Wabanaki Tribes and the impact these discussions continue to have on policy and Tribal State Relations today. Listen to the program here or download the podcast from the WERU website here.