Tribal Lands in Maine
Tribal land in Maine consist of three types of lands: reservation, trust and fee.
Indian Reservations Lands
A federal Indian reservation is an area of land reserved for a tribe or tribes under treaty or other agreement with the United States, executive order, or federal statute or administrative action as permanent tribal homelands, and where the federal government holds title to the land in trust on behalf of the tribe. (Via US Department of Interior Bureau of Indian Affairs)
Trust Lands
Taking land into trust is one of the most important functions US Department of Interior undertakes on behalf of the tribes. Acquisition of land in trust is essential to tribal self-determination. Tribes are sovereign governments and trust lands are a primary locus of tribal authority. Indeed, many federal programs and services are available only on reservations or trust lands. The current federal policy of tribal self-determination is built upon the principles Congress set forth in the Indian Reorganization Act and reaffirmed in the Indian Self-Determination and Education Assistance Act. Through the protection and restoration of tribal homelands, this Administration has sought to live up to the standards Congress established eight decades ago and indeed to reinvigorate the policies underlying the Indian Reorganization Act. (Via US Department of Interior Bureau of Indian Affairs)
Fee Lands
The owner of the land hold the legal title to the lands. Anyone can own fee lands. For instance, if you own the title to your house and land you have fee lands. Fee lands must fall under the jurisdiction of the government entity they are located. For instance, a tribe which owns fee lands must pay taxes on those lands.
The map on this page displays all the reservation, trust and fee lands the tribes in Maine own.