Take Action on LD 1626
Maine legislators are considering LD 1626, a bill to protect Wabanaki rights by restoring tribal self-government to tribes in Maine. Based on consensus recommendations from a bipartisan task force convened by the Maine Legislature, the legislation addresses long-standing issues with a land claims act passed in 1980 that governs the relationship between the state and the tribes in Maine. Tribal leaders and allies are working to pass this important legislation and need your help! Learn more about the history that led to this legislation, why it’s needed, and how you can support their efforts in this Take Action Toolkit.
LD 1626 passes House and Senate and awaits final action
LD 1626 would restore tribal self-governance to the Wabanaki tribes in Maine. Learn more about the bill and find out how you can support it!
LD 1626: Submit testimony at the public hearing
Legislators will hold a public hearing at 9 am Tuesday, Feb. 15 on LD 1626, and they need to hear from you! Read more to learn how to submit testimony and testify at the hearing.
LD 1626: Frequently asked questions
What is LD 1626? Why do tribes in Maine support it? Why should I ask my legislators to pass it? We answer these and other questions in our LD 1626 FAQ.
Contact your legislators
The Maine Legislature will vote on LD 1626 during the next session, which begins in January 2022. Learn how to successfully lobby your legislators in our guide.
LD 1626: Talking Points
Want to talk with legislators and neighbors or write an LTE about LD 1626 and how it will benefit Maine? These talking points are a great way to start.
Who supports LD 1626?
Support for LD 1626 comes from local, state, and federal leaders, Mainers across the state, and more than 90 racial and social justice and faith-based groups. Read more>>